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Singing, Dancing and Drama



Students will be able to:

  • Build self-esteem and challenge their own creativity through drama

  • Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and  improvise characters and situations

  • Students discuss characters and situations in drama they make, perform and view.

  • Listen to a music piece and clap the rhythm

  • Listen to a music piece and identify the melody as mainly either logato or staccato

  • Listen to a music piece and identify the highest and lowest note

  • Identify a music piece as either in 2/4 or ¾ time

  • Sing the following scale C (with and without accompaniment)

  • Learn strategies to warm their voice up before performing a song

  • Learn strategies to open their lungs up, so they can reach the high and low notes appropriately

  • Stand in an appropriate position to maximise singing ability and voice progression

  • Choose two songs that they feel best represent their emotions or feelings about a particular topic/ issue/

  • Relate to the songs in an expressive manner by performing the songs using expressions to show emotion

  • Identify notes and keys related to particular songs

  • Draw basic scales (C ) on music paper and learn to read  music

  • Express themselves and their emotions through dance

  • Use gestures and body movements to react and respond to the world around them

  • Explore and learn about dance in different cultures.

  • Explore ways of moving in response to stimulus

  • Explore movements to express feelings, emotions, ideas and observations 



At the end of the term, students:

  • Will present drama that communicates ideas and stories.

  • Perform a dance piece that they have created with their peers and guided by their teacher through expressive movement.

  • Perform a song of their choice in an appropriate manner to maximise voice projection and listen to a piece of music to identify the melody and rhythm.



  • Improvisations, performing dance.

  • Movement in response to various stimuli, dance, peer teaching, choreography.

  • Song performance, clapping rhythms and peer observations.

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